The Fire Keeper by J.C. Cervantes

The Fire Keeper is the second book in the Storm Runner trilogy. After Ixtab, the goddess of the underworld Zane on a magical island, leaving him safe from the gods that want to kill him, everything was thought to be ok. However, the gods plan to execute his father Hurakan, the god of fire and Zane knows he cannot let that happen. But it gets worse, with Zane writing about his past adventures with the Maya gods, the godborns, who are the kids of the gods, will be killed if the gods find them. And to make matters even worse, the tropical island that he is living on is inescapable. With his father and other godborns in danger and no way off the island, how will Zane and company save the day, this time? Read The Fire Keeper to find out.

The Fire Keeper was a book I picked off the library a few weeks ago. Just looking at the cover(yes, I judged a book by its cover) I could tell The Fire Keeper would be an entertaining read. From Zane completing quests with the god of death, to an all-out war potentially breaking out, this book did not lack action. I would rate The Fire Keeper a 9.7/10. The book was a first for me because in the past I had read novels, like Percy Jackson, and Magnus Chase, which was Greek and Norse mythologies, but I had never seen Mayan mythology in this type of book before. J.C Cervantes impressed greatly with this book and I am looking forward to reading the final book in this trilogy, The Shadow Crosser. I would recommend this book to people that mythology and action books.


  1. This sounds like a good book. I just reviewed Trials of Apollo if you want to check it out.

  2. Great review! The lore of this book seems interesting I might read it


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