The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse - Review By Kyle

     The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse is a children's picture book. So you might wonder why I'm reviewing it. Since I read it to my sister while putting her to bed, it's the most recent book in my head, and I think it can serve anyone, no matter their age, to read this book.

    This book is very character driven and revolves around, quite surprisingly, a boy, mole, fox, and horse. The plot is nonlinear. The characters drop valuable wisdom while doing various childlike activities like sitting in a tree or playing at a lake. The book starts with just a lonely boy who meets a mole. The boy asks questions and the wise mole answers them. In the beginning, the mole has an cake addiction, loving cake more than anything else, yet throughout the book it begins to appreciate the lasting warmth of a hug more than the quick joy of cake. The boy and mole then meet a trapped fox, a natural predator of the mole, and decide to free him. The fox is mostly silent, simply enjoying the company of his first few friends. Finally, they meet a giant horse, he is the largest of all of them and also the gentlest. The horse acts as a parent figure, providing love, knowledge, and care to the other three.

    This book, or more so its characters, teach the value of courage, kindness, and appreciation for what you have. The author has an amazing understanding of human emotions and uses it to build beautiful, life-changing dialogue. While the book is a short children's book, it's a pretty fun read, and the pictures are drawn in an exquisitely simple yet beautifully stylistic art style that helps bring the characters to life.

    I think this book has a lot of useful things to say and can be recommended to any age group. But it is quite short so it may not be worth the price unless you have a little sibling to read it to. 8 out of 10.


  1. Hi! I think it's a really cool perspective to look at a children's book and explore the intricate details of it. I like how deep you looked into each of the characters. Great post!

  2. Hi Kyle, I think it's an interesting thing to read a childrens book and see how the author wasn't just targeting a younger audience. Oftentimes, morals of stories can apply to everyone who reads them.

  3. Hi Kyle! I found it to be extremely in intriguing and unique to see you read a book made for an audience which is significantly young yourself. You do a good job at conveying the messages that are in the story, and I liked the way you described the story! Great review Kyle!

  4. Great review Kyle! I think this is a great book to read even though we are high schoolers. It is simple yet filled with wisdom which can be interpreted by anyone. I enjoy the art style of the cover and I feel that adds a value to the book.

  5. Hi Kyle! You did an excellent job explaining the messages in the story, and I liked how you described the plot as well as the characters.

  6. Hi Kyle,
    It was nice to read a review of a picture book. It reminded me of all the good lessons I got when I was younger from similar stories. I think that a lot of people discount picture books or graphic novels even though they can be just a for filling to read as any other book.

  7. The character's relationships just seem so sweet and wholesome. As for the cover, the art is just simply beautiful!


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