Trials of Apollo: The Hidden Oracle by Rick Riordan - Review by Olisaemeka Allanah


      Apollo is the god of sun, music, archery and a lot more. As the book starts, Apollo falls down from the sky and into a garbage dump in New York. Apollo then realizes he has been booted out of the heavens by his father, Zeus. Zeus blamed Apollo for instigating a large battle between Greek and Roman demigods. Not only did Zeus kick Apollo from Mount Olympus, but he has also been turned into a flabby, acne-covered 17 year old mortal dude called Lester Papadopoulus. Apollo, or Lester now is then beat up by two thugs who target him. He is then saved by a 12 year old demigod by the name of Meg McCaffrey, who raises a valley of rotten fruit against the muggers. Since he knows she is a demigod, Apollo reveals his true identity, and why he is here. Meg says she is putting him under his service, so now he must obey everything she does. With the help of Percy Jackson himself, Apollo and Meg get to Camp Half-Blood, when he is shown a prophecy in his dreams and now knows he has to find and protect the Oracles from Nero, or his other name the Beast, who wants to rule the world.


 Rick Riordan did another amazing job making another series, that is packed with action and drama.  He starts off this series with, The Hidden Oracle, which is the first of 5 books in this series of Apollo.  After you read this book, you will want to devour the rest of this series, because of how interesting it is. In 384 pages, Rick Riordan does a great job kicking off this series with a bang.


I rate this book a 9.3/10, this is a splendid book and a very nice way to start a series, but the books that follow The Hidden Oracle are slightly better.


  1. I liked your blog and book. The book seems really interesting and I really liked how it incorporated gods and a character from another series. Your blog post was packed with info but not too long.

  2. I read this book in 5th grade. I agree with what you said. It was funny seeing a Greek God reduced to a nobody.

  3. Fantastic review Olisa! Your summary definitely convinced me to read this book especially since I enjoyed reading the Percy Jackson series.


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